It's possible to be highly successful in our careers AND live great lives.

I've always been ambitious. I've been called an overachiever and a Type A.

All I know is that I wanted to get to the top! Even if no one up there looked like me.

In my pursuit to be successful in my work and career, I picked up so many tactics, tools and strategies that helped me along:

Executive presence, establishing work/life balance, personal branding, leveraging LinkedIn, salary negotiation, networking, developing habits, team building, time management, productivity, body language, limiting beliefs, mental blocks.

But I also had to overcome a multitude of obstacles every step of the way, internal and external:

Perfectionism, people pleasing, corporate politics, navigating male-dominated environments, being the only woman in the room, fear of failure, lack of confidence, negative effects of a toxic workplace and leader, Imposter Syndrome, procrastination, lack of clarity, inconsistency / minimizing and downplaying my experience and expertise, lack of confidence, a negative mindset.

Thanks the these tools and by overcoming my obstacles...

Throughout my career, I managed to land dream jobs over and over again, even when I wasn't the most qualified candidate.

Over time, I learned what it took to get fast promotions, amazing raises and full bonus pay-outs every time, even though I was a woman in a male-dominated environment (without compromising my integrity).

As I moved into bigger roles with more responsibilities and pressure, I was able to figure out how to create results through my team without burning out, sacrificing what believed in, or giving up my life.

I've also made some big changes in my career, as I've taken a step back, changed industries, moved to another country (twice!), taken a sabbatical and started my own business - even when most people around me advised me not to.

How do I know it's possible for YOU?

Every step of the way, I shared everything I learned with my friends and peers and I've managed, mentored and coached hundreds of smart, ambitious women on how to do the same in their work and careers...

And the tactics and strategies that worked for me, worked for them, too!

Over 10,000 women on social media and my email list look to me for support and guidance on how to navigate their work and careers, so they can live up to their full potential and my career advice has been featured in numerous publications including Business Insider, Thrive Global and ELLE.

Do you want my help to achieve success in your career? Set up a call with me today:

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Formal bio

Anna Cosic is a former media and tech executive turned career & leadership coach on a mission to help women succeed in the workplace .

Anna spent 10 years as an executive in highly operational roles where success was dependent on her ability to prioritize, manage her bandwidth and create fast results through her team - often while being the only woman in the room.

She has always been motivated by showing others that it's possible to go far and to be exactly as successful as we want to be and in 2016 she committed to doing this full time by leaving her successful career to launch her own coaching business.

During the course of her career, Anna has helped hundreds women on all levels, from early-career professionals to CEOs, identify and implement strategies, techniques and tools to achieve success in their work and careers.

Her leadership and career advice have been featured in numerous publications including Business Insider, Thrive Global and ELLE.

Anna has a Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management from Stockholm University. She was born in Sweden, has worked and lived all over the world and now calls Brooklyn, New York City home where she lives with her husband, five-year-old son and two pugs, Igor and Doris.